What is a monorepo in Go

What is a Monorepo?

A monorepo, short for “monolithic repository,” is a single repository housing source code for multiple projects or software components. It simplifies code sharing, version control, and fosters collaboration across teams. It’s a powerful solution for organizations looking to streamline development processes and promote code reuse.

Concepts of a Monorepo

The key motivations behind the design of Monorepos include:

  • Code Sharing: Storing code for multiple projects in a single repository reduces code duplication and encourages modular, efficient code reuse.

  • Simplified Version Control: Monorepos simplify version control, ensuring consistent versioning and making dependency management more straightforward.

  • Cross-Team Collaboration: Allowing different teams to work on the same codebase promotes knowledge sharing, facilitates bug identification and resolution, and fosters team unity.

  • Optimized Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) Processes: Monorepos streamline CI/CD by enabling changes in one part of the codebase to trigger automated tests and deployments across the entire repository, ensuring compatibility and currency across the system.

In summary, Monorepos are designed to improve development efficiency, enhance collaboration, and reduce the complexity of code management, especially in the context of multiple projects.

Project layout based standard


Your directory structure appears to be well-organized and follows common conventions for structuring Go projects in a Monorepo. Here’s a brief breakdown of the directories you’ve listed:

  • adapter: This directory is typically used for adapting external interfaces, such as implementing interfaces for external services or APIs.

  • docs: A directory for documentation, including project documentation, README files, and any other documentation related to your code.

  • entity: Often used for domain entities or data models that represent the core data structures of your application.

  • examples: A place to include example code or sample applications that demonstrate how to use your packages or libraries.

  • internal: The internal directory is used for packages and modules that are specific to your project and are not meant to be exposed for external use.

  • pb: This directory may contain Protocol Buffers (protobuf) definitions if you’re using gRPC or other serialization methods.

  • pkg: The pkg directory is often used for packages that are meant to be imported and used by other parts of your application or potentially by external applications.

  • scripts: A directory for any scripts or automation tools related to your project’s development or deployment.

  • web: If your project involves web-related code or a web application, this directory can be used to organize web components and assets.

This directory structure provides a clear separation of concerns and helps maintain a well-structured Go Monorepo. It’s important to note that the structure you choose should align with your project’s requirements and the conventions of your team or organization. Your chosen structure looks sensible and well-organized.


Monorepos, or “single repositories,” have emerged as a compelling choice in modern software development, offering robust solutions for collaboration, code sharing, and version control. The key advantages of this structure include more efficient code sharing, simplified version control, enhanced team collaboration, and optimized Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) processes.

By establishing the right structure, selecting suitable tools, defining clear workflows, and leveraging automation, you can successfully implement a Monorepo, simplifying your development processes and improving overall efficiency.

If your team or organization is grappling with the complexity of managing multiple code repositories or seeking to enhance collaboration among teams, Monorepo is a worthwhile consideration. With this structure, you can more effectively manage large projects, encourage code sharing, and ensure your entire system remains up-to-date and compatible. Monorepo not only provides a more efficient development process but also fosters collaboration and knowledge sharing, propelling your software development projects forward.